CISA, JCDC, Government and Industry Partners Publish AI Cybersecurity Collaboration Playbook

CISA has released the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative (JCDC) AI Cybersecurity Collaboration Playbook, developed with input from federal, international, and private-sector partners. This playbook offers guidance for the AI community—including providers, developers, and adopters—on how to voluntarily share incident information and enhance collaboration to improve the security and resilience of AI systems. As AI adoption accelerates, new risks will emerge, and the playbook aims to foster proactive information sharing and collaboration to address these challenges.

The playbook outlines key actions for JCDC partners to share AI-related vulnerabilities and incidents, explains CISA’s response to shared information, and highlights the importance of cross-sector cooperation to mitigate AI cybersecurity risks. It will be regularly updated to reflect the evolving AI security landscape. The playbook was shaped by insights from over 150 AI specialists and real-world scenarios from JCDC.AI tabletop exercises. For additional information, refer to the AI Cybersecurity Collaboration Playbook.