National Emerging Special Pathogens Training & Education Center (NETEC) Releases EMS Guidelines for Marburg Virus Disease

Marburg virus disease (MVD) is a rare but severe viral hemorrhagic fever caused by Marburg virus, which is part of the filoviridae family that includes Ebola virus. Cases of MVD are rare but outbreaks occasionally arise in sub-Saharan Africa, where the virus circulates in the Egyptian fruit bat. Humans can be infected through contact with infected animals and through person-to-person spread. In countries where outbreaks have occurred, the case fatality rate for MVD is between 24 and 88 percent. Learn more about transmission.

It is unlikely that EMS personnel in the United States will have to care for a patient with MVD during routine operations. However, an outbreak elsewhere in the world increases the risk of encountering a patient who recently traveled from the affected area and became infected.

Read the full article and learn more from NETEC.