Pediatric Disaster Centers of Excellence Website Launches

The new website for the Pediatric Disaster Centers of Excellence (PDCOE) has launched. PDCOE encompasses the Gulf 7 Pediatric Disaster Network (G7), Region V for Kids, and the Western Regional Alliance for Pediatric Emergency Management (WRAP-EM).

This website will serve as a joint PDCOE hub for pediatric disaster preparedness and response.
The ASPR-funded PDCOEs were designated to create a regional response network that would provide vital information, tools, and best practices to ensure the safety and well-being of children during emergencies and disasters.

The new website features:

  • Dedicated sections for each PDCOE, highlighting their respective missions and initiatives.
  • Resources such as guidelines, protocols, and training materials tailored for pediatric disaster management.
  • News and updates on research, events, and innovations in pediatric emergency preparedness.
  • Contact information of each of the PDCOEs.