CDC Releases Standardized Case Report Form for Dengue Case Investigation and Reporting

The CDC recently updated the process for dengue case investigation and reporting, including a new standardized case report form that jurisdictions should use to investigate all suspected dengue cases. Health departments are advised to investigate and report all suspected dengue cases, using standardized forms and laboratory testing to confirm recent infections and determine if they are travel-associated or locally acquired. CDC also recommends that jurisdictions implement measures to control the spread when there is an increased risk of transmission, including surveillance and control of the primary dengue-spreading mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.

Additionally, the guidance emphasizes the importance of community engagement through public messaging and clean-up activities to reduce mosquito breeding sites. Jurisdictions’ efforts should focus on educating residents about preventing mosquito bites, eliminating standing water, and seeking medical care if dengue symptoms appear.