The abstract submission period for the 2023 Preparedness Summiton April 24–27, 2023 in Atlanta is officially open! The theme for the next Preparedness Summit, Recover. Renew: Reprioritizing All-Hazards Preparedness, will provide an opportunity to revisit pressing issues in preparedness and share resources, shape policies, and build skills to mitigate a variety of threats. Abstract Submission Guidelines:
The Summit Planning Committee invites public health, healthcare, disaster relief, emergency management, and other professionals nationwide to showcase and share their research findings, best practice training models, tools, or other resources that advance the field of public health and healthcare preparedness and response.
The abstract submission period is open through October 24, 2022 (11:59 PM PT). The committee seeks sessions that:
*Are evidence-based;
*Highlight programs or model practices that have proven effective in building and sustaining public health and healthcare preparedness at the national, state, local, or tribal level; an
*Demonstrate tools and resources that are replicable and scalable at the national, state, local, or tribal level.
At this time, NACCHO is moving forward with planning a hybrid Preparedness Summit for 2023, offering both in-person and pre-recorded (on demand) content. Please visit the Health & Safety page_for in-person meeting details.
Visit the Prep Summit website to learn more about this year’s abstract submission categories, preview the application, and submit your abstract!
About the Theme:
The historic response effort to combat COVID-19 has consumed our attention since January of 2020. At the same time, other all-hazards threats continued, and the need to address them has remained ever present. This response also put into sharp focus the need to place health equity at the forefront of preparedness to truly build and strengthen the resilience of our communities.
As we recover from the prolonged pandemic response and begin to define the endemic phase of COVID-19, natural disasters, emerging infectious diseases, terrorist threats, climate issues, and maintenance of all-hazards plans can now be re-examined. The theme for the 2023 Preparedness Summit, Recover. Renew: Reprioritizing All-Hazards Preparedness, will provide an opportunity to revisit these pressing issues and share resources, shape policies, and build skills to mitigate a variety of threats.
By renewing our commitment to all-hazards preparedness, we can equip our communities to meet current and future threats, while building response plans and frameworks that are inclusive, responsive, flexible, and adaptable.